As easy as it might appear to make use of a ladder, many disabling injuries occur each year as a result of improper utilization of ladders. Understanding the "Do's" and "Don'ts" will allow you to prevent becoming another casualty of falling from a ladder.
Ladder Safety Do's and Don'ts
- Use a pail or other way to lift items to the task space.
- Assume the place above the ladder is clear of dangers.
- Climb down and move the ladder to get appropriate use of the job space. Keep your belt buckle between the side railings.
- Place a ladder on slick, cluttered, or unstable surfaces such as cartons, carts, tables, etc.
- Use ladders manufactured from nonconductive substance when working around power lines or alternative electric dangers.
- Hurry up a ladder to finish a job.
- Look overhead before putting a ladder, with particular focus on power lines and other electrical dangers.
- Carry heavy items or tools up the ladder.
- Face the ladder and always grip the rungs, not the side rails
- Do not stand higher than the third rung from the top
- Know how high do you need to reach and how much weight the ladder must hold.
- Overreach beyond the side railings to run work.
For more information on Ladder Safety, we reccomend downloading our FREE LADDER INSPECTION CHECKLIST!